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What I Do


As a mediator, I recognise that my work as a mediator does not start on the day of the mediation. I am engaged to help the parties achieve the common settlement goal, which requires preparation.


I will often, therefore, speak with the representatives of the parties in advance of the mediation and in particular ascertain whether I have all of the information I need to be able to advise on and achieve settlement at the mediation.


I will also encourage them to discuss various options with their clients in advance so that they have a chance to consider and digest them before the formal mediation begins. I think this is important because, at mediation, we will ask participants to go through a process of change in a single day and work through the four phases of the Change Curve Model (Jaffe and Scott) from Denial to Resistance to Exploration to Commitment in a few short hours where those decisions will have a life-changing impact on them.


My task as a mediator is to get people from Phase 1 to Phase 4 in as short a time as possible. I recognise though, that none of these stages can be missed or not adequately worked through and time must be spent with individuals as they go through each stage, to assist them in their comprehension of different stages and also to make sure that their denial, apprehension, anger or resistance is managed appropriately and that they are supported throughout. This means that concerns must be acknowledged and possible solutions explored so that all parties can live with the eventual solution.



Fel cyfryngydd, rwyf yn sylweddoli nad yw fy ngwaith fel cyfryngydd yn dechrau ar yr un diwrnod ȃ’r cyfryngu. Rwyf yn ymfalchïo ar gysylltu gyda’r partïon er mwyn rhoi cymorth iddyn nhw i gyrraedd nod cyffredin mewn cytundeb ac mae hyn yn golygu gwaith paratoi.


Yn aml byddaf yn siarad efo cynrychiolwyr y partïon o flaen llaw yn enwedig er mwyn sicrhau bod gennyf y gwybodaeth angenrheidiol i fedru cynnig cyngor a chyrraedd nod cyffredin.


Byddaf hefyd yn annog y cynrychiolwyr i gael sgwrs efo’u cleientiaid o flaen llaw fel bod ganddynt y cyfle i ystyried a phrosesu eu opsiynau cyn i’r cyfryngu ddechrau. Yn fy marn i, mae hyn yn allweddol oherwydd mi fyddaf yn gofyn i’r partȉon ar ddydd y cyfryngu i gymryd rhan mewn pedwar cam yn dilyn, ‘Change Curve Model (Jaffe and Scott)’. Mae angen paratoi gan y bydd hyn yn digwydd dros gyfnod o ychydig oriau ond bydd y penderfyniad yn cael effaith barhaol.


Fy nhasg i fel cyfryngydd yw mynd o gam un i bedwar y broses yn yr amser byrraf posibl. Er hyn, rwyf yn sylweddoli fod angen talu sylw, a chymryd amser efo pob unigolyn i weithio trwy bob un o’r camau yma. Mi fyddaf yn gwneud yn siwr bod pob un yn deall y camau a bod teimladau posibl o ddicter, ymwrthedd, pryder neu straen yn cael eu rheoli mewn modd addas a pherthnasol. Golyga hyn fod yn rhaid i mi wrando ar bob un o bryderon pob unigolyn er mwyn dod o hyd i ddatrysiad sydd yn ateb pob un o’u problemau.


Our Services


Mediation enables creative resolution and dispute resolution that would not be available in Court

Expert Determination

Confidential and binding process that can offer an effective means of settling an issue


 Support in your business set up, growth and navigating the challenges and opportunities

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